Anti-slavery and human trafficking policy

Operations of The Little Publishing House inclusive of sub brands Warm Welcome Magazine, Creative Build Magazine, Hospitalitech Magazine: Anti-slavery and human trafficking policy.

Policy Statement 

Slavery in its modern form is a severe violation of basic human rights. Modern slavery can be found in variety of forms such as forced or compulsory labour, human trafficking, servitude or exploiting a victim for financial or personal gain. 

The Little Publishing House has a zero-tolerance stance against modern slavery. We are committed to conducting business in an ethical and legal manner at all times. We expect any of our associates, clients or companies linked with us to operate in the same manner. This policy will apply to every individual working for The Little Publishing House whether being a direct employee or in partnership with a third party company, associate or client. This policy may be amended at any time in the future and if necessary all staff along with necessary associates will be briefed on any additional changes made.